Finding a Pet Sitter When You Move


Every Newport Beach moving company knows the mental and physical demands people experience when relocating to a new home. You, however, are not the only one who may be feeling overwhelmed by the process. The family dog or cat probably will be getting a ‘something big is going on’ vibe from the flurry of move-out activity. As a result, the poor creature, who once was so upbeat and carefree, might feel a bit agitated.

Newport Beach moving companies generally can’t do a whole lot to help your pet deal with the situation. You, however, are in a great position to improve the situation. One common solution is simply removing the household dog or cat from the field of action. That option, of course, necessitates finding temporary quarters for your pet. Many people facing this challenge will choose a reliable pet sitting service. If you are going this route, be sure to consider the following factors before selecting a sitter:

Your very best source for reliable pet sitters is a solid referral from friends, family, neighbors, or even your veterinarian. If none of these people has a recommendation, your next best bet is conducting an online search.

Whether you locate a pet sitter via referral or online search, eventually you’ll be meeting the candidate. As with selecting Newport Beach movers, you’ll want to interview the prospect or prospects to ensure they meet your qualifications. During this process, make sure you find out about past experience, types of pets cared for, and training. You’ll also want to disclose any special requirements you pet may have – the candidate must feel comfortable with these unique needs.

If you have questions about finding a pet sitter when you move, be sure to reach out to Executive Moving Systems. A leading Newport Beach moving company, we provide prompt, dependable service no matter how big the job. When you need reliable Orange County movers, you can count on Executive Moving Systems to get it there safe and sound.